(1) SHTF Homestead, by Dan. F. Sullivan


I you didn’t answer "homesteading", then please hold it right there, because you could be very vulnerable in the aftermath of a long term disaster...

My name is Dan F. Sullivan and after years of prepping, I came to the conclusion that the only way to have a solid, steady food and water supply is to HOMESTEAD.

Homesteading is the only (legal) way I know of to become almost completely self-reliant from the food corporations, the utilities companies, the Government and Big Pharma... by harvesting hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of organic food year-round, and collecting thousands of gallons of crystal-clear drinking water for free…

To take back your health by growing your own groceries, and making your own food out of basic ingredients, such as cheese, bread and even chocolate to name a few…

Then you could stockpile the excess produce for dark days... (The shelf life of ingredients is longer than that of the resulting foods, anyway…) So while other preppers pay thousands for overpriced, highly-processed “emergency food”, you’ll build your survival stockpile for free…

It’ll be like having your own personal supermarket just a few feet away from you… Though not the kind that sells processed meat full of hormones and steroids, veggies full of pesticides that have absolutely no taste at all, not to mention and all the other junk full of preservatives...

So let me cut right to the chase and show you:

Out of my over a dozen experienced prepper writers on SurvivalSullivan.com, I handpicked the ones that are also excellent homesteaders...

Tara Dodrill is rocking it on a 56 acres farm in Ohio: 6 horses, 6 cows, 4 goats, dozens of ducks, chickens, guinea fowls, donkeys, sheep and dogs...

Next we’ve got Megan Stewart, an amazing gal and my most cherished writer. You may have read her excellent articles on the blog. She’s an expert homesteader and prepper and practices what she preaches.

Then there’s Ryan Dotson, a master survivalist and an excellent cook, very good at making survival food staples on his homestead, such as hard-tack and pemmican...

Jeanie Beales is not only the most passionate gardener I’ve ever known, she’s very knowledgeable in home remedies, and has lots of other skills. She can also teach you A LOT about cooking.

Next we have Rebekah White, a hidden homesteading gem... She lives on a 22 acre farm in Vermont, the 7th coldest state in the country, proving that you can raise chickens, massive quantities of zucchini and even bees in colder climates.

Last but not least, we have Paige Thompson, one of my newest writers, living on a homestead with her husband, surrounded by dogs, cats and lots of chickens. When she explains a homesteading concept, the level of detail is simply amazing.

Together, my homesteading dream-team has over 100 acres of land and DECADES of combined knowledge and experience... and they all agreed to share it with you...

We all worked our rear ends off, to finally come up withThe Ultimate A to Z Homesteading Encyclopedia:

...the only course that will show you how to start a fully-functioning homestead from the ground up in as little as 7 days.

Let me prove to you how in-depth and jam-packed this course is by giving you just a taste of what you’ll find inside its over 500 pages and over 15 chapters:

● It all starts with your vision. What’s the ultimate goal you want to achieve with your homestead? Before you start digging in your garden or buying your first chicks, you need to figure out what you want. We’ll help you do this even if right now you’re confused and clueless, by thoroughly explaining basic concepts, and giving you lots of options of where to take your homestead. We’ll literally help you turn your dream into reality.

● Once we take care of that, we’ll talk about finding the right land for your dream homestead. You need to know all the restrictions and regulations, such as mandatory hook-ups to municipal water, or to the sewage system... Some states and counties limit the number of animals or even forbid rainwater collection, but in some places (we found 7 different ones in the U.S.), you can get fertile land for FREE.

● Next, we’ll give you layout tips and examples on how to set everything up. Do this by the ear and you’ll be sorry when you realize you should’ve put them in different places or in different orientations. There are crucial factors to keep in mind, such as the slope, the sun, and of course, the various emergencies that could occur (such as house fires and wildfires).

● Once we have your vision and your plan, that’s when the real fun starts. You need to think about land clearance, fencing and, of course, protecting your homestead from prying eyes, and setting up things like early warning systems.

● The A to Z of gardening. We’ll talk about each veggie one by one… Lettuce, carrots, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes and many more, when and where to plant them, how to water them, and of course, we’ll help you avoid costly mistakes that even seasoned gardeners make sometimes.

● We’ll also tell you how to grow these 4 plants that work as natural painkillers, 4 plants you can make sugar from (and barter with post-collapse) and half a dozen other medicinal herbs you can use when doctors may not be available, or even today to avoid buying medicine...

● We’ll also reveal the one common plant that keeps pests away, such as worms and even rabbits and, at the same time, attracts a whole bunch of pollinators… We’ll tell you the fast-growing, highly-nutritious wonder-tree that’s a natural mosquito repellant, and last but not least, and the mystery berry that does well in sunshine as well as the shade, is jam-packed with fiber, antioxidants and vitamins, and will produce fruit for the next 20 years.

● Everything you need to know to successfully set up raised beds. They have less weeds, the plants need A LOT LESS water, they defrost sooner in the spring and your dog won’t get to them.

● Then we’ll show you how to build your first greenhouse. This “no fail approach” will get you more produce you ever thought possible, and all you need are some basic materials to set it up.

● Next, we’re taking things one step further and showing you how to grow fruit trees, grapes, and berries. These require very little maintenance, yet they’re another one of those things that will put your homestead on autopilot.

● Weeds? Predators? You can crush all of them, no matter how large or sneaky but, if you don’t, it’s going to be SHTF in your back yard: deer, mice, snakes, hawks, foxes, gophers, and even black bears. Nothing will ever touch your garden ever again. We’ll give you dirt-cheap hacks such as using VHS tape to deter them. Don’t throw away any “junk” you have lying around the house until you read this!

● In homesteading, the chicken always comes before the egg. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about them: raising store-bought chicks, building a chicken coop, getting your hens to integrate and start laying eggs, not letting them escape the perimeter, or eat things that will get them sick and so much more.

● In fact, we’ll tell you how to take care of ALL your animals and how to keep them healthy and safe... Rabbits, goats, cattle, pigs and turkeys, even horses… How to feed then pre and post-collapse with whatever grows on your homestead. We’re going into a huge amount of detail with each, including safety issues, the costs of raising them and much, much more.

● Then we’ll show you some really cool and useful DIY homesteading projects: fly traps, chicken nesting boxes, DIY mouthwash, laundry detergent, and many, many more. Each project is an opportunity to spend time and bond with your family, because they’re so easy, even your kids can do them. We even show some of them on video, so they can easily follow along the instructions...

● We’ll talk about all the possible ways to heat your house: wood, coal, propane, solar... The sooner you switch to them, the sooner you’ll see your electric bill drop like a rock.

● How to make your homestead bulletproof and ready to bug in. If and when the big one hits, you want to be ready and to protect your investment.

● But what if you’re forced to evacuate? No place on this earth is immune to disasters... so when that flood or that wildfire comes, part of your homestead will be portable and ready to go. You obviously can’t take everything with you, but you can take the essentials that will allow you to start over again in a different place.

● 5 ways to preserve food. Smoking, dehydrating, freeze drying, pickling, as well as 3 types of off-grid refrigerators that require zero electricity. All in minute detail.

● How to set up a cheap drip irrigation system that uses gravity to water your plants even if you have to leave your homestead. In fact, we’ll tell you a number of things to automate your homestead, and make it run partially on autopilot.

Now, this was just a taste of what you’ll get inside Autopilot Homestead, because we’ll also discuss bees, perennials, essential oils, tractors and their uses...

I even brought an active-duty infantryman to the team, certified as a Combat Lifesaver in the U.S. Army and will teach you basic first aid and prepare you for homesteading accidents.

This course will help get your basic homestead up and running in less than a week...

And it’ll put at least some of these things on autopilot...

And believe it or not, this isn’t everything... because I decided to add these kick-ass bonuses to motivate you to get started...

Bonus #1 first is the Autopilot Homestead Action Plan booklet, to help you put everything from the main course into practice. No theory, just things to do one step at a time.

Bonus #2 is a collection of over a dozen PDF printables: daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal planning sheets for crop growing, care and health records for each animal, an incubation chart, and many more goodies.

Print them out and keep them handy on your fridge, in your barn, basement or anywhere else you might need them:

The 3rd bonus is titled 37 Ways to Boost Your Energy. Whether you feel tired because of all the unhealthy food you’ve been eating, or because your job is stressing you out, we’re giving you 37 ALL NATURAL ways to feel energized, and more confident from this day forward.

Last but not least, the 4th bonus is titled Amazing Home Remedies you can use to treat minor injuries by yourself, without relying on a doctor. Jeanie did an excellent job on this one …

To recap, you get the Autopilot Homestead e-course, which takes you from absolute zero and helps you have a vision, set goals, make a plan, and then put that plan into action.

Then you’ve got the 4 PDFs to help you get the most out of the main course...

On top of that you have the videos to show you things like how to make hardtack and pemmican, not to mention all the DIY stuff...

When you go through it, I’m almost certain you’ll love it… But just in case you don’t, I’m backing it up with my iron-clad money back guarantee.

Here’s how it works... You’ve got 60 days (that’s two whole months) to go through it all, plan your homestead, and start applying…

If you’re not happy with the progress you make, asking for a refund is incredibly easy... You see, when you order, you’ll get an email from ClickBank (the trusted online retailer that makes this transaction possible) with a refund link. If you’re not happy for whatever reason, you can use that link to get your money back OR you can contact me directly and I’ll give you the refund myself.

If you could only get one homesteading course, this would be it. Do everything the way we teach you and your homestead will grow right before your eyes…

So start your homesteading adventure right here. Commit to giving this a try and we’ll commit to helping you set everything up... So long as you have the time and don’t mind a little hard work, you can do it.

Click the button below now and I and my experts will see you in the Members’ Area shortly:

founder and editor-in-chief of www.SurvivalSullivan.com

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